Wednesday, August 15, 2012

What I'm loving this Wednesday....

Leave!!!! I am thrilled that my husband is taking a week off work! Vacation is the best! We are taking a much needed break to have fun together.

Our home. We've been working on our house for about a week straight. It's so much work getting our home organized and clean. Even after being married for a few years we were still lacking a lot of furniture. Without furniture to store things in our house was a mess! There is literally only one box left to be unpacked and I have a feeling most of it will go to Goodwill.

Christmas! I know it's still summer but for us it seems like Christmas is right around the corner. I have already started a gift list and the MCX already has tree ornaments out! It will be the first time in two years that we will really get to celebrate Christmas.

New glasses. My new glasses should be showing up in the mail today! Not only is it fun to get new glasses but I got a great deal on them so I can't wait to see what they look like.

Our garden. Gardening in California is drastically different than on the east coast, but I think we are finally getting the hang of it. I swear the sun kills stuff here. Southern California is basically a desert that is watered tremendously! Plants tags that say "full sun" required are usually perfect in full sun on the east coast. Here nothing will grow in full sun! Everything needs lots of shade.

Baby clothes! Soon I will have a new niece in the world! More than anything I wish I could be there to help welcome her but unfortunately that isn't an option. Right now I'm settling by buying the cutest baby clothes. As an aunt it's my job to spoil her :)

1 comment:

  1. waiting on new glasses in the mail too!

    Have a lovely day! Stop by and say hello! :)
