Tuesday, June 7, 2011

I have finally had a normal and helpfully experience with Camp Pendleton's healthcare! I've definitely had my issues with my PCM and then a referral I got to OBGYN at the NH was terrible! Those people were so rude! But I went in last week and actually had my appointment with a different lady. She was amazing. She listened to everything I had to say. I also showed her all my charts of the blood pressure readings I'd been keeping at home. Comes to find out I don't have high blood pressure. It really irritates me that my PCM diagnosed me with HBP and prescribed me medication for it, when in fact I don't have it and don't need the medication. The lady I saw also sent a referral up for an ENT appointment. I saw her on Friday, Monday the ENT people called and I got an appointment for Tuesday because someone cancelled! Amazing! They were really busy when I went so I had to wait a long time, but the doctor was super nice and I am very happy to announce that I will be getting my tonsils out!!! They have been such an annoyance! I'm hoping the wait list and Travis' training mesh and I can get them out as soon as I can. With the wait list, it looks like it will be sometime in September or October. Since that should be nearing the end of predeployment training, I hope it all works out. I'll be in school during that time so I hope it doesn't take too long to recover.

I also have to share some photos! Travis and I made homemade pizza last week. It was amazing. Best pizza! We, of course, used our Alton Brown's recipe. The dough rises over night before you punch it down and that time really makes it taste so much better!

The Sauce - Amazing!!

Travis' Pizza - Pepperoni and Banana Peppers

My Pizza - Banana Peppers and Portobello Mushrooms

Travis and his pizza...

My Finished Pizza

Me and My Pizza

They were amazing! And the sauce was terrific. We used all the left over tomato sauce in some spaghetti last night and it was wonderful. For those of you who may want the recipes, they come highly recommended! Sauce Recipe and Pizza Dough Recipe. It was worth the work!

Also, I have to give a quick shout out to explosive eod techs wife life's blog. I received a very sweet angel in the mail from her giveaway. Thank you!!! I found a great place for it!



  1. Travis looks so scary that I think Leanne's pizza looks better.
    That little angels is precious.

  2. I'm so glad you received the angel in one piece! The store didn't have the box to it, and they packaging material didn't fit. I was so worried about it.
